interventions have been most

be one of the greatest assets of African-led peace operations. He said interventions have been most effective using a “just-in-time” model in which coalitions of countries are built to quickly intervene when a crisis breaks out “The comparative advantage of the AU and all the African countries is that they can deploy fast, and they’re willi

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Many observers now argue

Many observers now argue that the future of interventions on the continent will be African led. These missions, under the umbrella of African institutions and primarily staffed by African Soldiers, are, at their best, nimble, quick to respond and willing to aggressively engage enemies in ways U.N. missions are not African-led PSOs [peace support op

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could possibly raise issues

This could possibly raise issues of encroachment of sovereignty, and geopolitical gameplays like debt traps, thereby diminishing their decision-making power in the long run In this sense, India’s space initiatives become essential in furthering the Global South agenda on sustainable development, where its low-cost developmental solutions gain imp

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developed countries occupy

countries, the developed countries occupy the “core” and the developing countries, most of which are seen as ‘peripheries’, must carve their own opportunities for space exploration and further their target of space diplomacy in the long-run. In this context, several initiatives have emanated from the Global South in its attempt to build its

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developing countries engage

such as asteroids and the moon. In this sense, it is pivotal that developing countries engage in space diplomacy—leveraging space science and technology to bolster foreign policy objectives and domestic space capacities for realising their development targets—to retain their stake in the global space table. Indeed, with weaker economic position

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